Fall 2021 Discover Magazine

The fall 2021 Discover magazine features articles on saving South Table Mountain, vigilante lynchings, various collection items, a new ethnography project, and much more. We hope you take a look.

Top stories in fall 2021 Discover magazine

fall 2021 DiscoverA rediscovery in our collection of a carved parrot led us to ask questions about the history of vigilantism and lynching in our community. We know that at least five people have been lynched in Golden. To that end, we invited historian Richard Gardner to explore this dark episode in a new essay for the magazine.

Another historian, Mary Ramstetter, writes about her involvement with the county’s place names directory and her award-winning book, John Gregory Country.

Finally, learn about our $25,000 grant from the Colorado State Historical Fund to undertake a Native American Ethnography Project, now underway. Over the next year the ethnographers and staff will engage tribal  historians to review existing tribal literature, conduct oral histories, and more.


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