Collection Policy

What is a collection policy?

“A collection policy is a detailed statement that explains why a museum is in operation and how it goes about its business.Denver West museum workspace The policy articulates the museums’ professional standards regarding objects left in its care and serves as a guide for the staff and as a source of information for the public. Policy exists to define areas of responsibility and to set forth guidelines for those charged with making certain decisions.”

Taken from: A Legal Primer on Managing Museum Collections by Marie C. Malaro. This manual is a standard in the field and a great resource to learn more.

What is deaccessioning?

Deaccessioning is the formal process used to permanently remove an object from the museum collection.

necklace artifactThere once was a time when museums functioned as a mausoleum or final resting place for the accumulations of successive generations. This is no longer the case. Communities grow and change and so must museums. Collecting is not a mechanical process, it’s a combination of thoughtful selection and pruning. Periodic reevaluation is as important as acquisition, and deaccessioning, if properly used can be a means toward true growth.

You can use our online collection to get a better view of individual artifacts under consideration. Enter the object identification number from the report into the catalog number field using the advanced search tab.