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Donate now (four easy ways)

  1. make a donation online.
  2. send a check to GHM&P, 923 10th St., Golden, CO 80401
  3. visit in-person (Tuesday – Saturday)
  4. call us at 303-278-3557 (Tuesday – Saturday)

Donate an item on our wish list

kids making candles at camp

Many members provide generous contributions above and beyond annual dues. Are you ready to donate? If so, take a look at the highlights on our list.

Some of these are one-time items and others are recurring. Any dollar amount helps, as does a direct donation of the actual item (but please contact us so we can help select the right models).

Image: Chris Pagley Photography

  • pollinator boxes for History Park gardens: $25 each
  • volunteer and guest supplies, such as coffee and paper: $25 (ongoing)
  • historic-looking costumes to fit boys for summer camp: $25-$75
  • Building Colorado outreach program supplies: $500/year
  • Hands-on History camp supplies: $500/week (eight weeks each summer)

Make a monthly gift or a one-time donation

cabin in history parkMuseum members are one of our most appreciated and valued assets. Many members give additional donations beyond yearly dues. These funds help us preserve historic buildings, conserve and acquire artifacts, provide materials for student programs, and care for our beloved chickens.

With your support we can continue to share the stories of the early Coloradans who made the Golden area their home with the more than 50,000 individuals who view our exhibits, participate in our hands-on programs, or attend our special events each year.

Image: Scott Dressel-Martin

Give a gift of time

If a monetary donation isn’t possible for you now, can you share your talents or provide in-kind services like sales or marketing assistance?

Planned giving

Please remember Golden History Museum & Park in your will and trusts. We would be happy to talk with you about a gift of stock, life income gifts, and other options which may provide tax advantages and lifetime income potential. Call Director Nathan Richie at 303-277-8712.

Our tax ID # is 84-6000591.

Other giving options

historic automobile with three peopleDo you have an unwanted car, either clunker or treasure? Don’t sell, trade or store your vehicle. Instead, donate it to Golden History Museum & Park  and receive a tax deduction.

Just call 1-866-628-2277 or 1-866-628-CARS and say you want to donate a car to Golden History Museum & Park. It is simple and easy, all the arrangements will be made for you, and you can even complete the process online.

image that links to vehicles for charity website