Purchase Photos

How do I purchase a reprint?

You’re welcome to copy any watermarked images for personal use and credit “Golden History Museum & Park, City of Golden Collection.” All other uses require a small fee and use agreement.

Step 1View the online collection

Search for photographs that tickle your fancy. The collection is always growing, so if you can’t find what you’re looking for check back often or call and ask. Beware. It can be addictive.

reprintStep 2. Once you find what you want click on it and then click on the “Order Image” icon and follow the instructions.

Step 3. After you hear from the museum you’ll be instructed to complete the Photo Order Form.

Several payment options are available:

  1. Pay in person.
  2. Mail a check made out to Golden History Museum & Park to Golden History Museum & Park, ATTN: Photo Orders, 923 10th St., Golden, CO 80401.
  3. Call 303-277-8716 to arrange payment by phone.

Questions? Contact the Museum’s curatorial staff to ask for help.