
Property research in the Golden area

The Prisbey house, once located on 12th Street in Golden, Colorado, looking north. The Marshall House (aka Astor House) is to the left. The Golden Fire Department’s siren is on the right, c. 1966.

Golden History Museum & Park has limited property records in the permanent collection. However, it’s always worth searching the online collection.

For property research in one of Golden’s three historic districts, try the City of Golden Planning Department.

The Jefferson County Archives is the next best bet. They maintain the following:

Appraisal cards

First and foremost are property appraisal cards, dated from 1949 to 2005. These are tax appraisal cards for residential and non-current commercial properties and may include a description of the property, a photograph, and a footprint drawing. They will include photos of houses that have since been demolished or burnt down.

Assessment rolls

Second, try Assessment Rolls and Tax Lists, dated 1866-1948. These records list property owners’ name(s) with descriptions and locations of land owned (when taxes are paid, so this excludes renters), personal property owned, and assessed value of land and improvements. They do not say what the improvements are, however, so you’ll be unable to confirm a build date. These records put a person at an exact time in an exact place.

Agricultural statistics

Next, the Agricultural Statistics, dated 1882-1899, list names of farmers with their acreage and production of various crops, number of animals, etc.

Aerial photographs

These photographs cover Jefferson County between the years 1930 and 1996.

Assessor books

Rhonda Parfet’s house in front of Golden’s Castle Rock, c. 1880s.

Assessor Index Books (now available on the Assessor’s property search page) list ownership from about 1986 going back to about 1910. Before that time, the use grantor/grantee indexes must be used. The index books reference where the deeds are recorded.  Original deeds and record books are available, but this research can also be done at the Recorder’s office or via subscription to their online property records search.

Subdivision plats

Finally, there are also early subdivision plats, which can be found at the Recorder’s office or via their online search.

Direct link to archives

Land Permits

Aspin Map – to get city, range, etc.
Land Records – to get permits, aka who got the first land grant
County Records – to find sales records