Golden High School Yearbooks available online

The first yearbook published by Golden High School was entitled The Gold Pan and was produced by the Class of 1916. In that yearbook, the foreword explains how the senior class desired to share their story with future generations, and how they wanted to have a written memento from their beloved high school days. Little did they know, they would start a tradition that is still going strong over 100 years later!

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demon yearbook cover 1939

Early yearbooks contained brief highlights of clubs and sports in which each student participated, tributes to their teachers, “wills” of items to fellow students, and predictions by the senior class about their classmates. Today the yearbook title is unique to each class and includes highlights from all the year through. Each book serves as a virtual time capsule of what occurred that year, from school happenings to current events and activities outside of school like summer camps, vacations, and volunteer experiences.

Through a generous grant from the Golden Civic Foundation, together the Golden History Museum & Park and Golden High School were able to digitize 90 years of GHS yearbooks. You can page through the yearbooks on the iPads provided in the exhibit, or view select books on the gallery TV, or use your own device.